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Bible Studies

The Bible Studies on this page are given in overview format. They are true Bible Studies—not articles. They are designed to give the reader the foundation and structure to study a particular subject on their own. May you continue to Search and Study!

Thinking Like a Christian

  • Culture and Anthropology
  • Psychology
  • Money and Material Wealth
  • Education
  • Children, Youth, and Families
  • Relationship Between Men and Women

Sharing God's Opinions

  • About Backsliders
  • About Wicked Preachers

Family Roles

  • A Father's Role and Responsibilities
  • Principles of Modern Day Fatherhood
  • A Mother's Role and Resposibilities
  • The Role of Children and the Family

The Spheres of Government

  • Family Government
  • The Origin of Civil Government
  • The Purpose of Civil Government
  • Church Government
  • Self Government

Biblical Economics

  • Introduction to Biblical Economics
  • Biblical Free Market Economy
  • The Invisible Hand of Providence
  • How to Eliminate Poverty
  • The Results and Effects of Socialism on the Church
  • Overpopulation
  • Is God on the Side of the Poor?
  • God's Law and the Poor
  • Money and Inflation
  • The Relationship Between Work and Dominion
  • God's Law and Property
  • God's Law and the State
  • Final Review on Biblical Economics

Overcoming the Spirit of Poverty

  • Introduction
  • Taking an Honest Look at Yourself
  • Your Attitude
  • Light a Fire
  • Move on to Gain Wisdom
  • Getting Control of Yourself
  • Having a Spirit of Excellence


  • Introduction to Biblical Stewardship
  • Stewardship of Your Family
  • Stewardship of Finances
  • Stewardship of the Body
  • Stewardship of the Church
  • Stewardship of the Gospel
  • Stewardship of your Time
  • Stewardship of your Skills and Potential
Search and Study Bible Teaching Ministry
1317 Edgewater Dr. #5077
Orlando, FL 32804